Ahead of the Curve, Behind the Camera


We are Texas wedding videographers that serve Austin, the hill country, and San Antonio. Check out our affordable wedding video packages!

Our 2025 Packages

At Cloud Craft Studios we believe that well-crafted films and photos don’t have to break your budget.
We also understand each wedding, each couple, each video and each gallery is different and creative feedback is always welcome.

Cloud Craft Studios digitally delivers all videos and photos within 6 weeks of the wedding.
All Prices are subject to Texas State Sales.

Photo + Video

Photo + Video | $9,500

6 Min. Highlight | Teaser Clip | Full Film of Ceremony and Toasts
Sneak Peek Day After Wedding | Minimum 500 Photos
Engagement or Bridal Session

3-4 Person Team for 8 to 10 hours

Just Video

Just Video | $4,750

6 Minute Cinematic Highlight | Teaser Clip | Full Film Of Ceremony and Toasts
Multicam Setup | Professional Audio | Drone Footage
Interview or Letter Reading on the wedding day

2 Cinematographers for 8 to 10 hours

Just Photo

Just Photo | $5,750

Sneak Peek Day After Wedding | Minimum 500 Photos
High-Res Online Photo Gallery | 2 Photographers for 8 Hours
Engagement or Bridal Session

2 Photographers for 8 to 10 hours

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2 Extra Hours for all Packages | $500

Save the Date Video | $500

Why stop with a save the date card when you can announce your wedding by sharing what your love truly looks like! Perfect for social media, these videos take your engagement session to a new level and give friends and family a taste of what’s to come.

Same Day Edit and Presentation | $2,000

Wow your guests by showing them everything they missed so far. From getting ready to the first kiss we will screen a cinematic highlight film or relive the full ceremony with your friends and family at the reception! An editor will be on site and we will provide all the equipment if you bring the popcorn!


Video Albums


Video Albums | $150

Imagine if your photo album could play your wedding film!

We are super excited to offer these new video albums! They are very elegant and well built, a lot like a traditional wedding photo album (6x8.5 inches). The battery is rechargeable, comes with a micro-USB cable, and the charge lasts up to a year. We think they're great gift ideas, definitely simple enough for grandma to use without asking a ton of questions haha. Literally open the book and the video starts playing!

Plenty of storage space for your highlight and full film.


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